Overloading and genericity
Updated: 2024-02-22
Created: 2022-02-22
- Overloading and genericity: one leads to another.
- Both means more flexible code, especially for libraries.
- Both can be static or dynamic.
- Types and procedures implement algebras, overloading and
genericity allow implementing something like "categories".
- Terminology: procedure declaration, definition, call.
- Procedure declaration: interface name,
- Procedure definition: implementation
, body
- Procedure call: invocation
- const k: int = 3; var i: int = 9;
- The
of k is int
its value is 3.
- The
of i
is reference
, its value is "some reference"
that denotes 3, int is the constraint on the
type of values "some reference" can denote.
- Type constraints can be applied to all sorts of values, not
just references, but there can be also non-type constraints,
for example value constraints (for example ranges, or
even single values, some of which may be semantically
- Overloading is a property of procedure interface names: one
procedure interface name has multiple signatures, each
signature leads to a different definition.
- One type of difference: in the types or type constraints of
parameters. Usually for types implementing similar underlying
algebras (within the same "category").
- Another type of difference: in the values or value
constraints of parameters. Usually for implementing different
algorithms of the same function.
- Overload resolutions is done by matching the call signature
to the definition signature. Usually called
- Static when signatures are matched at compile time, dynamic
when signatures are matched at run time (in case of type
constraint that's often called "dynamic typing" but that's
- Over a single distinguished argument of the signature, over
multiple (all) arguments.
- variable.procedure(arg1,arg2) is just equivalent to
procedure(variable,arg1,arg2) so in many languages
dynamic dispatching is possible only on the first argument,
which is distinguished with the variable. syntax
before the procedure name.
- Actually varT1.field1 and varT2.field1 are
also implicit
or setter
calls, that is
overloaded field1 with signatures:
- field1(varT1: T1)
- field1(varT2: T2)
- field1(varT1: ref T1,rvalue: T1)
- field1(varT2: ref T2,rvalue: T2)
- Genericity is a property of any stretch of code:
a stretch of code is generic over the intersection of the
signatures of all procedure calls in that code stretch.
- Most often the stretch of code is the implementation of a
procedure, in which case that procedure definition can be
called "generic" if the signature of the definition is
equally generic.
- That applies whether the genericity is static (e.g.
templates) or dynamic (virtual and
- That applies whether the procedures are implicit in
getters/setters, are
, or
- The purpose of overloading is genericity, the main purpose
of genericity is defining procedures that implement functions
for all types belonging to the same category.
- Another function of genericity is to defining procedures
that implement function for different subsets of values in the
same algebra.
- Genericity mainly applies to libraries as
most programs are not generic, or their genericity is
much narrower than the of the libraries they use.
- One important aspect of this narrowness is that in many
cases what is dynamic genericity in a library become static
genericity in a program, as some types and value are known
statically in calls. Sometimes explicit instantiation
of still-generic procedures is useful for optimization.
- Indeed one difference between library and program is that
programs are far more specialized than libraries in both type
and value genericity, because they have
rather than open
type sets.